**By Kim I.***Hey guys, another excellent theory by Kim that I've been meaning to post, so I just thought I'd let you discuss it while I write a theory. Thanks again for your continued support!*"'He said my blood would make him stronger than if he'd used someone else's...He said the protection my-my mother left in me- he'd have it too. And he was right-he could touch me without hurting himself. He touched my face.' For a fleeting instant, Harry thought he saw a gleam of something like triumph [my emphasis] in Dumbledore's eyes. But the next second, Harry was sure he had imagined it… 'Very well,' he [Dumbledore] said, sitting down again. 'Voldemort has overcome that particular barrier'" Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (p 696-US edition).
"'His mother left upon him the trace of her sacrifice...This is old magic, I should have remembered it, I was foolish to overlook it…but no matter. I can touch him now."' (652-653 US edition).
"Triumph" is defined as "to rejoice over a success or victory; exult."
This excerpt has confounded Harry Potter fans for the past five years. Just as Harry has entered "safe territory," away from the Graveyard, away from the imposter Moody, he sees his mentor, Dumbledore, apparently triumphant that Voldemort was able to overcome one obstacle on his quest to kill Harry. Using the definition of triumph, it is clear that something that Harry told him has made DD believe that they have succeeded. We know that DD represents ultimate good, as stated by JKR herself, so DD clearly realized something that Harry and the readers did not see about this transfusion of Harry's blood, and therefore Lily's protection. Now, it seems at first glance to the reader that DD is referring to the Evans Blood Charm (EBC). Since LV now has Harry's blood running through his own veins, he, also, is protected by this EBC. I believe, however, that it is something more than that.
Examining what we currently know about LV's own magic protecting himself (the Horcruxes), I believe that the gleam of triumph we see in DD's eyes stems from the fact that his Horcrux theory was supported. We know after HBP that DD had been considering the Horcrux theory for awhile, but it was finally affirmed in his mind in CoS when Harry brought DD the diary. Keep in mind, that whenever "LV" touched Harry prior to GoF in the Graveyard, he was not doing so with his own body, but rather through a host, such as Quirrell. It was not actually LV who was unable to touch Harry, but rather his hosts were unable to touch Harry. I propose, therefore (bear with me, but I'm sticking with my Harry as a Horcrux theory here), that LV is mistaken, and DD sees this. The fact that LV can touch Harry does not stem from the fact that he has Harry's blood running though his body, but rather from the fact that it is actually LV's body (with a piece of his own soul) touching his own Horcrux. There have been discussions that individuals attempting to touch others' Horcruxes are "burned" or injured by the Horcrux (ie: DD's hand dying was a result of him touching Marvolo's ring). Since Quirrell was not the one with LV's soul housed in him (no, I do not think that he was a temporary Horcrux, but rather he was being possessed), he was burned by Harry, and died soon after from the burn spreading throughout his body at the end of SS. DD also tells us that without Snape's help, his hand injury would have spread throughout his whole body, and he would have died. We can conclude, perhaps, then that Quirrell's injuries at the end of SS stem from the fact that he touched a Horcrux that was not his own. Although LV was possessing Quirrell at the time, do not confuse that with LV making Quirrell into a Horcrux.
I think that this glimpse of triumph we see is another indication that Harry is a Horcrux. DD realizes that LV is given a false sense of security about his ability to touch Harry, and DD knows that LV still has no idea that Harry is one of his own Horcruxes. DD fears that once LV realizes that Harry is a Horcrux, he will kill Harry, knowing that he still has 5 other Horcruxes, plus himself, remaining. This glimpse of triumph is not malevolent, but it was put into this book for a reason. It is the first time where LV actually has a body, so he is finally able to touch his own Horcrux, Harry.
Hello Everyone,
I must apologize again for the state of the site. I don't even know if anybody still checks up on this anymore, it's been so long since the last update. If there's anyone out there who still visits, THANK YOU! We very much appreciate it. I don't actually have a theory to post at the moment, but I'm going to work on one that will hopefully posted in the near future. I just wanted to check in and let people know that we're still here. I promise there will be some new material to discuss very soon! Thanks again!